Posts Tagged With: One Month

One Month and Counting…

Wedding, One Month

Officially married!

I simply cannot believe that yesterday was exactly one month since our wedding. Time has flown by so quickly and it feels like it happened forever ago.

Much of the advice that I received regarding the actual wedding day centered around the fact that it goes by so fast and that we should savor every second of it. Those people were definitely correct in their advice and I only wish that I could go back and relive the day all over again.

I had also prepared myself for the fact that after the wedding and honeymoon, things would slow down and the realization that we weren’t going back to Europe would truly sink in. That has also most certainly happened. From the moment General McFluffybutt and I set foot (and paw) on that train to Madrid until the end of our honeymoon, I never really had the opportunity to dwell on the fact that we were moving.

Now that all of the chaos is over, it is definitely sinking in. Most of what I can remember from my dream last night included a beach and the sea. In it I was looking out at the beach and begging Matt to spend the day there with me. Since I am landlocked now and my previous residence included this view exactly, I think I can deduce what this dream meant.

All dreams and feelings aside though, yesterday was a wonderful reminder that no matter where we go or what life hands us, Matt and I are in this together.

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